Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I personally enjoy reading. I wouldn't say I love to read, but I enjoy it. Due to the technology obsessed era I live in, many teenagers hate to read except for me. Maybe it's the fact that I have never read a bad book. I am very open minded when it comes to reading as well, but then again, I am a very open minded person. I love mystery but I am open to other genres. I like trying new things, reading new types of genres I have never read, anything to keep my mind awake and active. Unfortunately, some books have only one purpose and that is to bore you. I am aware of this, that is why I have a little procedure to figure out whether a book is headaching quality or interesting litature.
At first, I scim books in order to distinguish whether or not this book is going to bore me to death and then I either toss it or keep it. It's as simple as that. Finding a good book is quite a task, but the reward is what matters. I love when a book captures me because I'll never be able to put it down. If I am really intrigued by a book, I can finish it pretty quickly, I would say a week tops. When I mean I can't put it down, I sincerely mean it. The best feeling is when you are only a couple pages away from the ending and although you really don't want it to end, you are so eager to find out what that final page is all about. When I was little, I would always spoil the story and read the endings but I have learned that doing that is very childish and ruins the whole book. Every little detail helps satisfy and build up to the ending. Some books are so detailed and tasteful, I don't understand how people can hate reading. I feel that people who hate reading must have had a very bad experience reading a sucky book in their past. I would tell these anti-readers, not to give up reading and that reading can be a wonderful past-time activity rather than burning your brain cells away watching MTV for hours on end.

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