Friday, February 27, 2009

How to become a ...Katina

Complex why would you try? How to become a Katina? Be as crazy as you can be, times five. Laugh till you cry and cry till you laugh. Feel. Think about things too much sometimes or even think about things too little. Confusing, complicated, stressed, yet always relaxed. SMILEY/OUTGOING/PASSIONATE. Katina. Wake up 7:30 in the morning, roll out of bed, curly frizzy blonde hair clouding your vision. You jump out of bed and turn off the most annoying but only ringtone on your phone that can wake you up in the morning. "Hips swing" . Of course your kitten Lola is at your feet meowing and nibbling on your toes for food. What a fatcat. You look briefly out your window checking the forecast; pitch black. You sigh. Brush your teeth, comb your hair, and pick out some trendy ensamble to wear all daydreaming on that little cloud you sit on until 9 o'clock. Check the time...7:20 ...rush to the car, put on your gloves because the stearing wheel is about -27 degrees. Lovely. Pump up techno to wake your daze and you're off. Off to the raceways, off to conquer to world, and create the solution to world peace, off to gym. Off to gym because you failed it last semester. Neglectful and irresponsible! Your new nicknames from your mother. Ah beautiful. Car parking lot full so you get the last to last parking space. You trudge your way to the side door because every other door is locked. Teachers enjoy torturing students.
Gym goes by fast. Then economics. You can never understand this class. Demand vs supply, common sense! The words on the board look right, correct yet on paper, it's all greek to me. Funny. you're Greek. Greek school drop-out of course. Never succeeding in anything but you do like to write. You do like to sing. You sing in the car on your off periods, no one really sees. You blast the music so you can't hear your voice, but your not bad. Your friends are worse. They sound like nails on a chalkboard, if only they knew! You sing and sing till your voice goes hoarse. People ask why you lost your voice... "Screaming I guess?" is always the response.

Your friends call and you meet up. You laugh and discuss how everyone in the world sucks but you and your friends. Everyone feels perfect for that one moment and then our lives get split apart. By boys. We are older things have changed. Friendship ties are just as strong yet losing vitality. Losing grip on what is real. Losing laughter and love, and everything that made us friends. You barely see your friends, but when you do, the past becomes the future and its like nothing has changed. But you know. You know it has and you know its ok. You wonder how the future will pan out but then you realize you are being too sentimental and forget the thought. You live for the moment, and whoever cannot live with that cannot be associated with you. You live for your friends, your boyfriend, your family, and your kitty Lola. You look down at the millions of scratches on your hand. You laugh. Lola. SHE'S A BEAST, A LITTLE MENACE! But you wouldn't know what to do would do without her silly cat mumblejumble that comes out of her mouth or that silly faces she makes when she sneezes. You cannot sleep without her little nose nussled next to your face. Her soft purrs always put you to sleep. Lola Scudder. Crazy just like you times five.


  1. I love your word-play when you write, "it's all greek to me. Funny. you're Greek. Greek school drop-out of course. Never succeeding in anything but you do like to write. You do like to sing."
    I think you succeeded in writing this piece. It's funny and unique. So don't drop out.
